This infographic was designed by Patrick Moberg. I had a look at his work over at and liked it very much. I actually found out about his work last year and decided to save the infographic in my online life set on flickr together with other interesting images I’ve collected around the web.
Long story short, the infographic that I shared on Flickr received over 500,000 views, has an average trend of +1,000 views a day and this week even broke the wall of 11,000 views in 24 hours. So I thought that if my network loved it on Flickr, you, my faithful subscribers and companions of digital adventures might find it interesting as well.
This is why I decided to also share it here introducing Patrick to you and giving him the credit he deserves for his terrific work. Those of you who have been reading this blog over the years know that I keep a close eye on talented artists that step smartly into this digital world.
If you or your company need some stylish infographics, now you have another name to add to your list!