Episode: VMC #335 – Flip the Funnel – Book Review
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Show Notes & Credits: Powered by itive.net, Flip the Funnel, Joseph Jaffe, @jaffejuice
Experience Architect in a Digital World
Episode: VMC #335 – Flip the Funnel – Book Review
[right click to download the source file – ‘Save the link as…’, video-player available below]
Show Notes & Credits: Powered by itive.net, Flip the Funnel, Joseph Jaffe, @jaffejuice
Age Of Conversation 3 (AOC3), the book that I co-authored with an amazing group of marketing pros, is finally out and you can get it on amazon! It’s available in:
(the proceeds will be donated to an international children’s charity of our authors’ choosing – stay tuned for more updates). Once again a special thanks goes to Gavin Heaton and Drew McLellan for inviting me to join this great project.
What’s the book about?
Age of Conversation 3 captures the distinct shift from social media as a hypothetical consumer loyalty tool, as it was considered only a little more than a year ago, to its current state as a staple in the modern marketing toolbox. Although the book covers more than just social media, the topic is ubiquitous among the book’s 10 sections: At the Coalface; Identities; Friends and Trusted Strangers; Conversational Branding; Measurement; Corporate Conversations; In the Boardroom; Innovation and Execution; Influence; Getting to Work; and Pitching Social Media.
Enjoy it and let me know what you think about it here on the blog or via twitter @vascellari!
I’ve been out of the loop. I have tons of posts almost ready to be released but zero time to publish. Busy, busy, busy…This period is so intense for me. With iTive we started to work on some new projects so I’ve been drowning into a countless number of meetings with my team and with our clients. But no worries I’ll be back to my normal blogging schedule soon.
To make this period even busier comes the upcoming launch of the book I signed a contract for last year. I’m one of the ‘Age of Conversation 3’ authors. A special thanks goes to Gavin Heaton and Drew McLellan for inviting me to join this amazing project.
What’s the book about? Conversational branding, measurement, influence, trust, identity, corporate conversations, social media, innovation, execution and more…
Who I wrote it with? Some of the sharpest minds in the industry 😉
The book is due to be released no later than mid-April. Stay tuned via RSS, I’ll keep you posted once it will be out!