LeWeb Report

This is an audio report that I recorded together with Eric Schwartzman (@EricSchwartzman) for the On the Record Online Podcast. We recorded also a shorter version for our For Immediate Release friends. Continue reading “LeWeb Report”

How to Use Social Media to Market your Organization

Episode: VMC #339 – How to Use Social Media to Market your Organization [right click to download the source file – ‘Save the link as…’, video-player available below]

When you start thinking about how to use social media to market your organization, stop thinking about how you are going to find customers and start thinking about how to help them find you…

This video is about a nice story that Eric Schwartzman shared at Ignite this week in Rome (Italy) during Social Media Week. I’m sure you’ll find it interesting!


Do as the Romans! – Social Media Week

This week I’ll be in Rome for Social Media Week. Together with me from the itive.net team will be Leah D’Emilio (Chief Communications Officer).

Here’s where you can find me:

  • Wed. 9 Feb. – I will be a guest speaker during a special social media session for entrepreneurs alongside LA based Online Communications Strategist Eric Schwartzman.
  • Web. 9 Feb – On stage at Ignite Italia. Info & venue here. My presentation: Digital Brains! -I’m sure many of you will find it interesting 😉 Leah D’Emilio has a ‘bomb’ presentation on Social Video 101… I already got a preview, but I can’t wait to see it again live!
  • Thu. 10 Feb. – Networking Happy Hour . This is where you want to be. THE meetup organized by Fabio Lalli, Indigeni Digitali & Co.

Aside from these official presentations, my agenda is already packed with meetings, etc. so stay tuned via twitter @vascellari and remember when in Rome…


Social Media Report from Le Web 2010 in Paris

Play & Enjoy! [dewplayer:http://ontherecordpodcast.com/pr/otro/electronic/Le_Web_2010_Social_Media_Update.mp3]

Download MP3

You had no time to go to Paris for LeWeb? No problem. In this episode of “On the Record Online” me and Eric Schwartzman (@EricSchwartzman) recap all the highlights from the event.

Topics discussed:
  • The latest statistics on Foursquare usage, growth rates and what they charge for custom badges from co-founder Dennis Crowley, as well as how they plan to compete against Facebook Places.
  • Facebook Connect usage, growth rates and installed base from Ethan Beard, Director of the Developer Network at Facebook, as well as Facebook’s number of users in the UK, France, Italy and Germany.
  • Marissa Mayer’s Android 2.3 Gingerbread demo of Google Maps on the new Samsung Nexus S
  • Pet Society’s sales volume and the free to paid social gaming conversion rates they’re seeing from Sebastien de Halleux, Co-Founder, Playfish & VP, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships, EA Interactive.
  • Number of paid and unpaid Angry Birds downloads announced by Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio.
  • Gary Vaynerchuk and Loic Lemeur’s insights on how the velocity of social media interaction can be used to either escalate or diminish engagement levels, and what that means for organizations.
  • Matthias Lufkens on Twitter Diplomacy and how government officials with Twitter accounts are too often undiplomatic , and probably don’t even know it.
  • Gabe Rivera of Tech Meme’s insightful comment about what Wikileaks means for the #gov20 space.
  • The keynote by Carlos Gohsn, Chairman & CEO of Renault S.A. & Nissan on how the human desire for autonomy impacts the way networks evolve.
Links Referenced:

Enjoy it!

Social Media Report from Le Web 2010 in Paris

Play & Enjoy! [dewplayer:http://ontherecordpodcast.com/pr/otro/electronic/Le_Web_2010_Social_Media_Update.mp3]

Download MP3

You had no time to go to Paris for LeWeb? No problem. In this episode of “On the Record Online” me and Eric Schwartzman (@EricSchwartzman) recap all the highlights from the event.

Topics discussed:
  • The latest statistics on Foursquare usage, growth rates and what they charge for custom badges from co-founder Dennis Crowley, as well as how they plan to compete against Facebook Places.
  • Facebook Connect usage, growth rates and installed base from Ethan Beard, Director of the Developer Network at Facebook, as well as Facebook’s number of users in the UK, France, Italy and Germany.
  • Marissa Mayer’s Android 2.3 Gingerbread demo of Google Maps on the new Samsung Nexus S
  • Pet Society’s sales volume and the free to paid social gaming conversion rates they’re seeing from Sebastien de Halleux, Co-Founder, Playfish & VP, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships, EA Interactive.
  • Number of paid and unpaid Angry Birds downloads announced by Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio.
  • Gary Vaynerchuk and Loic Lemeur’s insights on how the velocity of social media interaction can be used to either escalate or diminish engagement levels, and what that means for organizations.
  • Matthias Lufkens on Twitter Diplomacy and how government officials with Twitter accounts are too often undiplomatic , and probably don’t even know it.
  • Gabe Rivera of Tech Meme’s insightful comment about what Wikileaks means for the #gov20 space.
  • The keynote by Carlos Gohsn, Chairman & CEO of Renault S.A. & Nissan on how the human desire for autonomy impacts the way networks evolve.
Links Referenced:

Enjoy it!

Le Web 2010 Survival Guide – On The Record Online

Play & Enjoy! [dewplayer:http://ontherecordpodcast.com/pr/otro/electronic/Le_Web_2010_Podcast_Preview.mp3]

Download MP3

Yesterday I had the pleasure of sitting in front of the mic together with Eric Schwartzman (@EricSchwartzman) to record an episode of On The Record Online podcast dedicated to the upcoming LeWeb conference that will take place in Paris (8th-9th Dec.). @Erik: Thanks for having me! 🙂

Here you’ll find more info about what I’ll create for LeWeb…

In this episode we are joined by two other Official Le Web conference bloggers, Tara Hunt (@missrogue), CEO/Shwowp, Author/The Whuffie Factor and blogger at http://www.horsepigcow.com and Algerian blogger Ismail Chaib (@iChaib) who currently lives in France where he is studying for his Masters while serving as co-founder of VC-funded start-up ASQ.

Before we dive into a discussion of the agenda and survival tips for getting the most out of the conference, we talk about Facebook Messaging, the impact of globalization and technology on the economy and the world outside the tech bubble. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please consider sharing it with your network.

Erick is such a great host so I hope you’ll enjoy the conversation I had with him, Tara and Chaib as much as I did!
